Cazenovia Middle School
Principal: Ms. Amy Getman-Herringshaw |
Main Office: 315.655.1324 |
Fax: 315.655.5305 |
School Nurse: 315.655.1332 |
Counseling Office: 315.655.1315 |
School Address: 31 Emory Ave Cazenovia NY 13035 |
School Hours: 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM |
Cazenovia Middle School is a vibrant learning community of fifth, sixth, and seventh-grade students. Our goals include nurturing students academically, socially, and emotionally. We take pride in the success of our students and strive to learn and grow together. Our staff is exceptional in their desire to meet the needs of all students. We are very pleased to offer students in the Cazenovia Middle School an instructional program that provides a strong foundation for success in high school and beyond. Parents and guardians are an integral part of the educational process, and we value our strong partnerships with families.
Grades 5 - 7
- Introduction to World Language in Grade 5
- Learning centers for Reading and Math
- Special classes and Academic Labs
- Performing student groups - band, string ensemble, chorus, drama
- Extracurricular clubs and activities available to students
- Art, Music, Library, Physical Education, and Career and Technology Education (CTE) classes
- Opportunities for community building every day