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Counseling Office College Application Process

General Information

The Counseling Office processes, on average, approximately 600 applications per year. Therefore, it is essential that each student understands and follows the procedures listed below. It is our experience that the students who are most prepared and organized are able to move through this process smoothly.

Senior Day:  The Counselors will meet with the entire Senior class as a group, along with a few guest speakers, mid-September.  

Senior Interview:  After Senior Day, all Seniors will meet with their Counselor individually to review a variety of items. The college application process is reviewed with each student to ensure that they understand the process and their responsibilities. At this interview, the student should come prepared with the items listed below. If they are prepared with these items, they will be off to a great start.

  • List of Colleges/Universities that they are interested in applying to;
  • Updated Resume;
  • Completed GPA Calculation Chart;
  • List of the Teacher/Non Teacher Recommendations they have requested.

How many schools should I apply to? It is our philosophy that students apply to 6-8 colleges/universities if they are not committed to making an Early Decition application or plan to apply to only one school to which they are positive they will be admitted (ex. Onondaga Community College – as this example is an open campus, which means it serves all of Onondaga/Madison County Residents).

2-3 Reach Schools: These schools’ academic requirements may be above your academic credentials and profile, however, we encourage each student to challenge themselves and “reach for the stars.”

2-3 Probable Schools: These schools’ academic requirements match your academic credentials and profile. Most likely, you will be admitted.

1-2 Safety Schools: Your academic credentials and profile exceed the minimum requirements.

* Please note that for each student, a “Reach,” “Probable,” and “Safety” school is different, as all students have unique qualities and characteristics that colleges/universities are looking for.

Student Responsibilities

The following list will serve as a checklist for student responsibilities for submitting college applications:

  • Meet with Counselor prior to submitting applications.
  • Secure teacher / non teacher recommendation requests and request all in Naviance.  
  • Prepare a finalized copy of your Resume.
  • Have your essay proof read multiple times by different sources.
  • List all colleges/universities you will be applying to with any and all deadlines in Naviance.
  • Request transcripts in Naviance.  
  • Determine and obtain which applications you will need (SUNY, Private, Common).
  • Complete your application in Common App, the SUNY app or the school's own application.  
  • Complete the online College Application Processing form so that your Counselor knows when you have applied to a particular school.

Counseling Office Responsibilities

These are the responsibilities that the Counseling Office will undertake with each submitted application:
  • Upon request, Counselors are happy to meet with student's to review their applications prior to the student clicking "send".
  • The Counselor will upload all teacher and non teacher recommendations that the student has listed to be included with their application.
  • The Counselor will upload the official transcript.
  • The Counselor will upload the 1st quarter grade report upon student request. (A strong 1st Quarter may increase the likelihood of acceptance for those students who might be on the bubble.)
  • The Counselor will upload mid-year grade reports and updated transcripts to all colleges in early February.  
  • The Counselor will upload the School Profile.
  • The Counselor will write a letter of recommendation for each student planning on applying to college.  

The Counseling Office posts local scholarship information directly in Naviance.  Seniors are encouraged to seek out additional scholarships, as we only post what we receive from local organizations.  In May, the entire senior class will have an opportunity to complete a senior survey in order to be considered for additional scholarships and awards that are distributed at the senior breakfast or graduation.  

Seniors are encouraged to stop by the Counseling Office with any questions!  We're here to help! 

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Chris DiFulvio


31 Emory Ave Cazenovia, NY 13035